Our Meat Donations to KatiKati College Biology Classes

Throughout the year our Science Faculty is providing hands on learning to take a close look at the biology of animals.

Our students are very fortunate to observe and experience dissection, as for most, this opportunity would be their only time in their lives to do so. This learning can lead on to a pathway towards a career in medicine, animal care, zoology or butchery.

During their sound unit, junior students were given whole pigs heads. As well as the anatomy and function of ears, students could take the opportunity to examine the brain, eyes, teeth and experience the feel of the bristles.

A true appreciation of the power and workings of the heart was gained from dissection of sheep hearts. Students identified the different chambers, veins and arteries.  Later this year we will have entire plucks (heart, liver, lungs) for a study of the respiratory system.

We would like to acknowledge the generosity of Garth Bostock, owner of Naked Meats in Te Puna, for providing Katikati College with the meat products. Thank you for your donations and time taken to prepare our dissection samples.  The meat sold at Naked Meats is all free range, preservative free and additive free which makes it ideal for use by students in the laboratory.


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